Sunday, November 4, 2012

Speedy Hostess 4...or how to decorate the table in less than 5 minutes (Autumn edition)

by Karolina, 4th November 2012

Do you know this situation when you rush back home to prepare dinner for mid-week dinner party and you have absolutely no time to decorate your table? Yeah, me too...
This is for these times in life when you're stirring the pot with one hand and apply your mascara with the other.. Or for when you're hoovering, painting your nails and making canapes at the same time or when...well, you get the idea :)

And because it's autumn (or Fall - if you're from other side of the Pond)...
I'll show you a table centerpiece idea that will take you less than 5 minutes to prepare but will make a style statement...

Of course, I use pumpkin. It's probably the vegetable that screams the season the most.
Don't worry - no carving, painting and other crafting skills are needed for this one...

Actually you'll use things that you see in the picture above.

Pumpkin - check
Leaves - check (I'm sure you can run outside and grab some leaves. If you have kids - even better, they can get it for you)
Terracotta pot -check (if you don't have it just arrange the pumpkin on the leaves)

OK, now comes even easier part...
Take a few leaves, put the pumpkin on top of it, transfer to the pot...put it on the table...Done!

Well, I told you it was quick and easy.

And that's what you get. Simple, maybe little bit shabby chic style centerpiece.
Have more pumpkins - go for it, make more for more dramatic effect.

Do you have more time to spare or feel like making it more special?
Add ribbon or pack the pot in the piece of burlap or other textile, or paper of your choice.
Possibilities are endless really.
But I just wanted to show you that even if you're in a hurry you can create a seasonal centerpiece that will make your table more interesting and pulled together.

What is your seasonal decorating style this autumn?

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